As Omi continues to evolve, we remain committed to our industry and take an active role in issues like ethical production practices, industry charity initiatives and mining community aid. The Omi Privé team recently attended The American Gem Society’s annual Conclave in Oklahoma City, where we were able to see many friends and support some of our favorite charities.
The first event was the Jewelers for Children (JFC) Rings of Strength 5K run. Our President, Niveet Nagpal, along with our Gemstone Coordinator, Briana and her Mother, were up bright and early to support JFC and run for the kids! Jewelers for Children was founded in 1999 by the U.S. jewelry industry with the mission of helping children in need. We’re happy to report the Mother/Daughter-duo did an amazing job and raised $5,000 for JFC!

Since its inception, JFC has donated more than $60 million to programs benefiting children whose lives have been affected by illness, abuse, or neglect through charity partners including; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®, the Make-A-Wish® America, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, and the National CASA Association. JFC also provides support to the Make-A-Wish® International, the Organization for Autism Research and the Santa-America Fund. This nationwide success is due to the continuing generosity of jewelry trade organizations, jewelry and watch manufacturing companies, jewelry retail stores, individual jewelry professionals, and jewelry consumers. Learn more about JFC and how you can support this fabulous organization.
The entire Omi team also helped raise nearly $2500 for Gem Legacy, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, which supports vocational training, entrepreneurship, and community development in East African artisanal gem mining communities. The donation is also going to be matched by Gem Legacy bringing the total to nearly $5000 for the miners and their families!

The Gem Legacy Advisory Board along with Niveet, Briana and Natalie, Omi’s Director of Marketing, all worked during Conclave to raise funds supporting the newest initiative; “$30 Silicosis Prevention Mask”. Silicosis is a disease brought on through inhaling crystalline silica dust. It causes irreversible damage to the lungs and often leads to premature death. Tanzanite mining is prone to it because of the geology of the region and the largely underground, enclosed mining practices, which occur without sufficient ventilation. Providing miners with proper masks and filters can prevent inhalation of silica dust.

While gorgeous gemstones and finished Omi Privé designs are at the forefront of what we do, our morals, initiatives and practices are why we do what we do. With the help of our amazing industry and enterprise such as Gem Legacy and Jewelers for Children, we can continue to succeed together.
If you are interested in learning more about Gem Legacy or Jewelers for Children, head to the links below to learn about who they are, what they do and how you too can help be a part of the greater cause!